one week later..

It is exactly one week since i went to the local medical center and got an “come back in a week”..and I’m back home with 4 packets of pills:
Panodil 1g
Neurotin 300mg
Esomeprazol ratiopharm 20mg
Diklofenak T Orifarm 50mg

Doesn’t say a lot? well then you’re not alone..All i can hope for is that i will get at least some pain relief.

At this moment my scars hurt a lot and it feels like the bar is poking out my skin a lot..painful, but its a lot of ups and down all the time. I hope it will get better…now with more pills my trip to a warmed country is gonna get complicated, you never know what you can bring with you, but i endured a week of bloomin’ pain without pills here..i should be able to do it in 20 degrees Celsius plus..

I’m fed up on being in pain and the thought of removing the bar is always occurring to me when the pain is like knives in my scars, frontal chest area and all my back…but I’m always stopping the thoughts..because it can’t get any better by slicing myself up and removing the bar right? the tissue is already wounded and I’m in pain as it can’t get any better by doing something like that.


But the thought of being whole again and getting to start climbing, doing martial arts, singing and growling and generally doing everything the hell i want again..I’ve got all the time in the world being “sick” until august when school is supposed to start again.


Yes Im quite bitter, sorry about that.

About pharaphet

I am 23 years old, Student, Musician who lives to entertain. I pay guitar and sing in my Partyrockband ( And i sometimes enjoy playing computer games. Most of the times im either playing music or spending time with friends or my current girlfriend at this time*sounds weird? yes, but this about is an update of whats happening in my life today 4/2-2011*
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